Rosenberg and Snyder of Police Squad: "Move Along! Nothing to See Here! Please!"
As predicted, deductive reasoning falls on the heads of mainstream sports media reporters like a ton of bricks. They stop feeding at the trough of dumbass just long enough to look up and say: "Hey, that hurt!. Where did it come from?", plus some other not so difficult questions.
If Rich Rodriguez is an evil, megalo-maniacal coach who exploits his football players at every opportunity, lies like a son of a bitch on national television, and flagrantly breaks NCAA guidelines while cackling like a possessed woman from the Evil Dead series, then might it not be possible that Mr. Rodriguez, who is purportedly also a vampire, also performed similar satanic rites and baby killing down at West Virginia between 2001 and 2007?
Let's find out, shall we?
What does Mr. Fragale, Assistant Athletic Director for Communications at WVU have to say?
"Based upon our looking back over the weekend, we don't feel we have any concerns," WVU's Assistant Athletic Director for Communications Michael Fragale said Monday. "We have checked it out and there has been nothing flagged and nothing out of the ordinary.Hmmm....and Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance at WVU, Mr. Patrick Hairston?"There were no student-athlete complaints during the time (Rodriguez) was here."
"I worked with the previous compliance people and the (current) staff and I went through all the records," said Hairston, who was hired Aug. 5. "Nothing has been identified as a problem from the time (Rodriguez) was here."
"I worked with the previous compliance people and the (current) staff and I went through all the records," said Hairston, who was hired Aug. 5. "Nothing has been identified as a problem from the time (Rodriguez) was here."
WVU, like virtually every other school, conducts rules education classes and there is always a section devoted to what is called "defining countable athletically related activities."
Coaches prepare and players sign a "weekly athletically related activities log" that is submitted to the compliance office.
"It's closely monitored," Hairston said. "Any student-athlete that has issues with it are encouraged to come to us and from what I'm hearing about what was done in the past, there were no complaints from any student-athlete or any coach and nothing was brought to their attention about something that might have been a problem."
So yeah it turns out Rodriguez didn't break any NCAA practice rules while head coach at West Virginia between 2001-2007.
Well for Christ's sake don't tell those two professors over at the Detroit Free Press any of this, Mr. Michael Rosenberg and Mr. Mark Snyder, because this information royally fucks up their game about all of their interviews corroborating with each other.
They want us to stay latched on to the notion that Rich Rodriguez first unhatched his evil plot to destroy the free-time and personal lives of Michigan football players only when he first arrived at Schembechler Hall in December 2007 and not before.
"Nothing to see here Freep readers! Move along. We'll tell you when there's more information available to support our previous allegations. Move along please!"
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